Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 11

Sometimes the bible tells us things, and we're like, "I'm sorry, what?". 1 Peter 1:15-16 is kinda like that. "Be Holy because I am Holy". How in the world are we supposed to be Holy? Mind Your Witness.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 10

A lack of unity is something that not only plagues us as a society, but it certainly plagues us as a church. Why should it matter? We can't grow if we're busy fighting and not getting along.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 09

Being Holy...Do you know what that means? Are you holy? Is the church holy? Do I HAVE to always be holy? Why should I be holy? didn't God give me the use of free will?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 08

Do you ever feel like you're getting lost in the noise? Do you feel like NO ONE is hearing you? Your spouse, your kids, your friends, your boss...It's like every single conversation is one sided. What if you could have a conversation and you were GUARANTEED that the person on the other side is listening? What if that conversation had the potential to change your life? Wouldn't that be GREAT?

Monday, February 18, 2019

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 07

In a world that is filled with the idea of being POLITICALLY CORRECT, how BOLD can you be? Are you willing to stand up to those that you may offend? Are you BOLD enough to share your story? Are you BOLD enough to tell others where your life USED to be compared to where it is NOW?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 06

What if I told you that no matter what you go through in life, you'll never be alone? No matter what you face in life, no matter what obstacle is in front of you, no matter what's in your life that you need to overcome; you are given a gift that will EMPOWER you to do GREAT things. You are given a gift that will EMPOWER to do things you NEVER thought were possible. It's pretty amazing!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 05

In this episode we'll talk about using our witness to grow the community of the church. Oftentimes that's what people want to hear. How has Jesus changed you? Why is your life so much better with Jesus? What's your story? How has Jesus worked in your life?

Thrive Ministries Podcast - Episode 11

Sometimes the bible tells us things, and we're like, "I'm sorry, what?". 1 Peter 1:15-16 is kinda like that. "...